12 Wisdom You Should Know from Marie Kondo’s Second Book “Spark Joy” – Part 1 of 2

SUGOI! (Japanese equivalent of “Awesome!”) The sequel to The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is finally here!

I have been waiting for this book ever since I de-cluttered my place KonMari style.  Truth be told, I wasn’t  sure if I KonMari-ed correctly because ever since I completed the process, I’d had numerous moments when I took out my clothes and felt no particular excitement.  I thought everything you now own should make your heart tick.  I was beginning to wonder if I didn’t go far enough with the KonMari method.  Not only that, I still had burning questions about how to approach things that I needed but didn’t bring “Joy”..
So when Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up was released last month, I hopped on it like a thirsty bear and devoured the whole book in a matter of 2 days.
The book was just what I needed.  It reinforced some of my speculations, answered many of my questions and brought fresh new insights into my world of tidiness.
Now that I am in the process of revising my closet space and adding more sparks to my storage areas.
So without further ado, here are the 12 wisdom (part 1) I learned from her latest “Spark Joy” book.
1.  It’s all relative!Juju-Sprinkles-Spark-Joy-Konmari-1

2. Don’t toss just yet, if they save you time and energy, reconsider keeping them.Juju-Sprinkles-Spark-Joy-Konmari-2
3. This is so true, a house is a house is a house.Juju-Sprinkles-Spark-Joy-Konmari-3
4. Materials of similar nature should be stored in the same area if possible Juju-Sprinkles-Spark-Joy-Konmari-4
5. What a neat concept!Juju-Sprinkles-Spark-Joy-Konmari-5
6. Add spark everywhere!Juju-Sprinkles-Spark-Joy-Konmari-6

You can download F R E E KonMari Checklist here if you haven’t already!  While the new book provided more comprehensive details to the “Komono” (Miscellaneous) category than it’s first book, the downloadable checklist here covers more than the book!  So enjoy, and Happy KonMari!

Tidy-Like-A-Pro Printable Kit will help guide you through your de-cluttering journey as if you hired a professional organizational consultant!  If you are just starting or in the middle of de-cluttering, you will love this kit.  Check it out at Sprinkles ShopPrint

Need closet inspirations? Check out the Surreal Konmari Closet.

Why not get your little ones involved in the tidying process? Here are some fun printable that they will absolutely love!  Check out more at Sprinkles Shop.

Join my Sprinkles Letters for exclusive offers and more inspirations!


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