Yay, we all made it through the first week of Day Light Saving!! I am still feeling a little sluggish, so for this weekend, I am thinking about being a bear. Yes, a bear. This is how Juju bear will go through her weekend.The 12 steps of Juju’s Beary Good Weekend
- Zzzzzzz (don’t even think about waking up Juju bear, trust me, you do not want to wake up a hibernating Juju bear or any bear for that matter).
- Slowly wakes up when hunger kicks in.
- Devours 2 cruffins (cronuts if in New York).
- Still hungry, eats husband’s 2 cruffins.
- Walks outside to get some fresh spring air. Sniffs some flowers and looks for Juju’s Next Top Blossom for week 2 of 4.
- Hungry again, paws through farmer’s market for fresh honey and strawberries.
- Make 2 batches of strawberry chocolate pizza dough bunnies. Carefully pinning the bunny ears with her little claws.
- Eats 2 baked bunnies while re-watching her favorite movies.
- Between movie breaks, raids the freezer for ice cream.
- Eventually food coma knocks her out.
- Back to zzzzzzland.
- Laughs in her sleep as she dreams of Ben Stiller telling her how really-really-ridiculously-huggable-looking she is. =)
The end.
What’s your weekend going to be like?
Have a BEARY good weekend everyone!
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