A Beary Good Weekend

Yay, we all made it through the first week of Day Light Saving!! I am still feeling a little sluggish, so for this weekend, I am thinking about being a bear. Yes, a bear.  This is how Juju bear will go through her weekend.Juju Bear Weekend CostumeThe 12 steps of Juju’s Beary Good Weekend

  1. Zzzzzzz (don’t even think about waking up Juju bear, trust me, you do not want to wake up a hibernating Juju bear or any bear for that matter).
  2. Slowly wakes up when hunger kicks in.
  3. Devours 2 cruffins (cronuts if in New York).
  4. Still hungry, eats husband’s 2 cruffins.
  5. Walks outside to get some fresh spring air. Sniffs some flowers and looks for Juju’s Next Top Blossom for week 2 of 4.
  6. Hungry again, paws through farmer’s market for fresh honey and strawberries.
  7. Make 2 batches of strawberry chocolate pizza dough bunnies. Carefully pinning the bunny ears with her little claws.
  8. Eats 2 baked bunnies while re-watching her favorite movies.
  9. Between movie breaks, raids the freezer for ice cream.
  10. Eventually food coma knocks her out.
  11. Back to zzzzzzland.
  12. Laughs in her sleep as she dreams of Ben Stiller telling her how really-really-ridiculously-huggable-looking she is. =)

The end.

What’s your weekend going to be like?

Have a BEARY good weekend everyone!

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