A New Beginning (with Ice Cream)

I am back!!  Last two months have been a whirlwind of events.  I changed to a new job, went on a honeymoon that was long overdue and visited my parents living on the other side of the globe.  I am just so thankful to be settling down again and returning to my sketchpad.

Over the last two months, I have accumulated a mega list of ideas that I can’t wait to draw/make/do and share on the blog.  Here’s a little appetizer to what is yet to come.  Hope you will feel cool and refreshed with the summer in full swing!

Juju-Sprinkles-Ice-Cream-and-Life-Web3Juju-Sprinkles-Ice-Cream-and-Life-Web2Juju-Sprinkles-Ice-Cream-and-Life-Web1background photos courtesy of White Hart Design

Need more ice cream?  Check these out…

Ice cream you can’t miss when you are in San Fran

Craziest ice cream flavors across the country

Join my Sprinkles Letters for exclusive offers and more inspirations!

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