The Coolest Farm-To-Table Juice Ever

I am back in San Francisco!  I have finally recovered from jetlag from my trip in Taiwan.  Weeee!

As I was contemplating on what to share for my first post upon returning to the U.S., I started craving for Dochi Juice.  I knew right away that’s my topic for the post.  During my stay in Taichung (middle of Taiwan), I discovered this super cool juice shop called “Dochi Juice” (it literally means “Which Juice” in Japanese).  This isn’t your standard juice shop where you pick a juice blend from a preset menu.  See the image below?  You pick up your own “fruit or vegetable Lego” from this giant display wall.  Farm To Table Dochi Juice Juju Sprinkles 1

It’s like shopping at a farmer’s market with an array of beautifully displayed vegetables and fruits.  The selection is the biggest I have ever seen!  From the typical apples, oranges, strawberries, banana, coconut and carrots to the exotic dragon fruit, star fruit, chinese yam, bitter melon, guava, and more, everything is fresh.  Farm To Table Dochi Juice Juju Sprinkles 2 Farm To Table Dochi Juice Juju Sprinkles 5 Farm To Table Dochi Juice Juju Sprinkles 4 After you have picked your fruit or vegetable, you insert the Lego into your “Lego basket”.Farm To Table Dochi Assorted Juice Juju SprinklesAt the register, place the basket on a scanner and the computer will analyze the nutrition values and price of your personal juice blend.  Once you press approve, your juice will be made to order.  Seriously, how cool is that? Farm To Table Dochi Juice Steps Juju Sprinkles If you feel spontaneous, pick a question mark Lego and let the computer decide your blend for you!Farm To Table Dochi Juice Surprise Juju Sprinkles
This is my basket!  It has bitter melon, carrot and kiwi. Farm To Table Dochi Juice Blend Juju SprinklesVoila!  Juju’s blend in a glass jar.Farm To Table Dochi Juice Bottled Juju Sprinkles

It even comes with a card with nutrition information. Farm To Table Dochi Juice Nutrition Juju Sprinkles I was blown away with the juice.  I could actually taste all 3 ingredients in it!  I am really impressed with the store concept; it’s playful, flavorful and healthful all at the same time.  I wish they have one in San Francisco because I have been craving for it ever since.  Sometimes I even imagine what I would get when I go back again next year.  So far, I am indecisive between these two blends: houseleek, honey and coconut or mesona (grass jelly), sugar cane and winter melon.  Yummmm…

How about you? If you could blend any fruit or vegetable, what would that be? Do you have a favorite juice combination you like to share?

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